Memel Cohousing Community
Based on the same architectural design and construction techniques used in the guest house, the Memel Cohousing Community will be a one-of-a-kind community. In the context of post-apartheid South Africa, this is especially meaningful. Some of the units will be sold at market prices; others will be subsidized charitably through private donations.
Internationally designed by Caddis Architecture and JB Fieldworks, Memel Cohousing will be a one-of -a-kind community. The cohousing homes will be interlaced with a working permaculture garden, thereby bringing people together with the sustainable agricultural economy and the source of their nourishment. When you step out of any house, you’ll be in the garden.
Like the demonstration guest house, the community’s buildings will be rammed-earth, passive-solar, zero-energy, rainwater-collecting – and most of all, beautiful!
Yes, We Have a Common House!
We already have a complete, finished Common House – the heart of any cohousing community. Our Common House is an historic, repurposed Dutch farmhouse. It includes a kitchen, a scullery, a dining/gathering room, a quiet library, a front porch, and a movie room where people gather to watch films together.
During the day, the Common House functions as a gathering spot and lunch place for Memel Organics employees and for Bright Mariko’s construction crews.
In the evening, a variety of people gather to share dinner at the Common House. You might find Steven Ablondi and Cindy Burns, their friends visiting from out of town, and Memel Organics employees.
Get Involved
Memel Cohousing will be built in two phases of 15 units each. The first phase of construction is beginning, and the second phase will begin as soon as the first phase sells out. Learn more about buying a unit and becoming part of the Memel Cohousing Community.
We are also looking for investors and construction loans. To learn how to buy a unit to rent to someone or to find out how you can subsidize a purchase, contact Steven Ablondi at
Learn More about Cohousing
To learn more about cohousing, visit the Cohousing Association of the United States website – or watch architect Grace Kim’s TED talk on how cohousing can make us happier. You can also explore a number of books on cohousing, available through the Fellowship for Intentional Community’s online bookstore.